“Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2
Giving for ministry at St. Andrew’s is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. That is why we often refer to giving for ministry as “stewardship”. As Christians, we believe that giving for ministry through annual pledge is a spiritual practice that promotes the spread of the Kingdom of God, cares for others, and deepens the connection between God and the giver.
A tax-deductible financial contribution to St. Andrew’s supports ministries locally, regionally, and internationally.
Church Address
- St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, PO Box 52 Glenwood, MD 21738
Online Giving
2025 Pledge Cards
Pledging as a spiritual practice
While our annual giving campaign is held in the fall, pledges may be made at any time by downloading and completing a pledge card or pledging online. You may pay weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly via cash, checks, or automatic fund transfer/electronic fund transfer (EFT).You may also pay your pledge with a donation of stock. Many companies have matching funds for charitable donations. If your company has such a plan, please let us know. Click here for an online pledge card.
Determining the amount of your annual pledge is between you and God. However, as you make this important decision, reflecting on your vision of stewardship may be beneficial. It has been suggested that we consider our personal vision of stewardship in terms of a spectrum:
I give because I am supposed to give — a sense of duty
I give to pay my own way — a sense of fairness
I give to return a portion of my blessings — a sense of gratitude
I give to keep church ministries free to all — a sense of generosity
What matters most is reflecting on where you are and where you are going as you move along this progression. When you push yourself to another level, you will find your faithfulness expanding as well.
A tithe is 10% of your income. The Episcopal Church has affirmed the tithe as the minimum standard for giving and encourages its members to tithe or be working toward a tithe. A tithe may sound like an unattainable goal. However, if you start with a certain proportion of your income and increase the percentage each year, you will eventually reach a tithe. The “Giving Percentage” chart below may help.
Where you start or whether you tithe on your annual or gross income is not nearly as important as simply making your first pledge. Every pledge make a difference, regardless of the amount. Every pledge supports ministry at St. Andrew’s in Christ name.
If you have questions about financial stewardship or tithing, your treasurer, stewardship chair and clergy are happy to talk with you . Please call for an appointment, (410) 489-4035.
Stewardship Basics
What is a stewardship campaign?
For about six weeks each fall, the leaders of St. Andrew’s focus time and energy on reaching out to every member to invite them into our commitment to ministry for the coming year. Leaders invite members to commit financially to ensure that the worship services, outreach ministries, and educational programs continue with appropriate financial support
What is a pledge?
A pledge is a commitment to make a financial gift that supports the mission of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church It is a response to God’s call and abundance in our own lives; it is a statement of thanksgiving. Your pledge amount may be changed, increased or decreased during the year, at any time, as your financial circumstances change.
What does stewardship mean?
Stewardship is the prayerful work of managing our time, talent and treasure to participate in God’s activity on earth. Stewardship is an important aspect of a person’s relationship with God. It is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. The tradition of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which means to give back a tenth of our earnings to God (Numbers 18:26). The Episcopal Church sees stewardship as more than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about contributing time and talents, and volunteering for ministry and mission. (See opportunities below.) It’s about reaching out to build relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity.
How does St. Andrew’s create its annual budget?
In order to know what we can do each year, we need to receive pledge commitments on which to develop an annual budget. Decisions about spending are made by our Vestry, the church’s governing body whose membership is drawn from and elected by parishioners like you at the Annual Meeting. We have a Finance Committee that advises the Vestry on the Budget and issues related to future financial stability. These leaders are committed to prayerfully considering the needs of the community and the ways God is calling us to serve as they make decisions about the budget.
When can I review the budget for next year?
The Vestry and Finance Committee present the Budget at the Annual Meeting, which is usually held after Sunday services in February.
When do I turn in my pledge for next year?
So that the Vestry can have a budget ready for January 1st, we encourage all members to make a pledge by early November. We celebrate “Ingathering Sunday” in November and offer special prayers of thanksgiving to God for the commitment of the congregation to another year of ministry.
How do I turn in my pledge?
You may mail your pledge card, place it in the offering plate if you attend in-person services, complete it electronically, send an email to or call the Ministries Coordinator, Nancy.
When do I pay the pledge?
While we need to know how much people plan to contribute in the coming year in November, you have all of the next calendar year to complete your pledged contribution. You may pay it up front before he year even begins, or pay it monthly, or pay using gifts of stock. Many members find that by setting up an automated monthly bill pay for their pledge they can be confident that it is attended to while also benefitting the cash flow needs of operating a busy congregation.
How do I determine what amount to pledge for next year?
Our standard of giving should reflect our standard of living. We ask each parishioner to consider making a pledge that is both responsible and significant based on their financial situation. A tithe (10% of your income) has long been held as the standard of Christian giving. For many it is a goal to be reached through incremental increases each year. At St. Andrew’s, every pledge, no matter what amount, makes a valued contribution to our mission and ministry.
Who will know the amount of my pledge?
For bookkeeping purposes, the Ministries Coordinator staff member and the Treasurer of the Vestry are the only persons who know the amount of pledges. The Rector will know who is actively a pledging member, and does not know the amount.
Who can I talk to about giving and spiritual growth?
If you would like to speak to a clergy person, please call the office to make an appointment. Clergy are happy to schedule a phone call or meeting to explore whatever questions you may have about the faith journey, the theology of giving, and other concerns you might have. Pastoral conversations are confidential.
The Finance Committee at St. Andrews Episcopal Church has adopted the following guidelines for accepting gifts:
- Donations and other forms of support will generally be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, foundations, and government agencies, or other entities without limitations.
- St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church will refrain from providing advice about tax or other treatment of gifts, and encourages donors to seek guidance from their own professional advisors.
- St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church will accept donations of money, marketable securities (stock), real property, and personal property.
- All marketable securities (stock) will be sold promptly upon receipt unless otherwise directed by the St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Vestry.
- Certain types of gifts must be reviewed prior to acceptance by the St. Andrews Vestry due to the special liabilities they may pose for St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. Examples of gifts subject to review, but not limited to, include gifts of real property, gifts of personal property, and gifts of restricted securities.
If a question arises about acceptance of a gift the primary consideration will be the impact of the gift on St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. Final decision to accept a gift will be made by the St. Andrews Vestry.
On 5/15/2017 St. Andrews Vestry adopted the Gift Policy