The congregations of St. Andrew’s Glenwood and St. Paul’s Poplar Springs are experiencing a season of growth. During this time, this page will be updated to keep our community members aware of milestones in the transition process.
September 22, 2024:
On Sunday, September 15, parishioners gathered following the 9:00 am service to discuss change and transition at St. Andrew’s. We identified significant changes that occurred in the time since, 2023, 2019, and 2014. Change is an external thing that happens to us. Something is suddenly different. Transition is an internal response to the external change, an emotional and spiritual response. The Bridges Transition Model talks about the time of letting go, time of new beginnings, and the uncomfortable time in between. It is called the neutral zone because it lies between what was and what is yet to be. Parishioners identified where they personally are on the model. Finally, we discussed the necessary tasks of the interim time. All this information is posted on newsprint in the hallway between the parish hall and restrooms. Our regular parish gatherings during the transition time are an important time of learning, sharing, and communicating. Please make a habit of being present and contributing to the conversation.
May 23, 2024:
On Monday, April 29, the vestries of St. Andrew’s and St. Paul’s met with Diocesan Canon for Transitions, the Rev. Canon Kristin Krantz at St. Paul’s. Canon Krantz presented the vestries and clergy an overview of the current transition process for congregations in the Diocese of Maryland. Of note, during the interim time, both congregations will reflect on their heritage, identity, purpose, and context to better understand who they are at this time in their corporate lives and what God is calling them to in ministry now. Much data will be gathered and the congregations will determine what skills and gifts are important in a new rector. We will also explore what it means to be in partnership with St. Paul’s moving forward.
A detail that is important for all to know is that I am away on sabbatical from June 9 through August 24. When I was called to be your interim rector, I already had a sabbatical planned. Because the wardens, interim search committee, bishops, and I thought my assignment at St. Andrew’s & St. Paul’s is a strong call, along with both vestries, we thought we should proceed with a ten week onboard before the sabbatical. As such, I am especially looking forward to getting to know you before I travel, so that I can pray and reflect on our future together and life at St. Andrew’s. Rev. Jennifer will cover the summertime, and I am grateful for her collegiality and gifts as a priest. I will return on Sunday, August 25.
~ Thanks, Katrina
February 2024:
Interim Rector Announcement
The Joint Interim Search Committee and the Vestries of St. Andrew’s & St. Paul’s are excited to announce the calling of The Rev. Dr. Katrina Grusell to serve as our Interim Rector over the next 1 to 2 years as we search for our next rector. Katrina is a trained interim rector, most recently serving as Rector of Christ Church in Binghamton, NY. She is canonically resident in the Diocese of Maryland and lives in Ellicott City where she was Associate for Pastoral Care at St. John’s Ellicott City and Episcopal Chaplain, UMBC (University of Maryland Baltimore County). She will be joining our congregations on April 1st.
Her work with us will include helping our congregations gain an understanding of who we are, how our congregations have been shaped and formed, and what God is calling us to be in the future. The interim period between rectors is a prime time for renewal and the re-energizing of the congregation in its life and mission. Beyond maintaining effective ministry during this period, the vestry and interim rector will work together, and with the profile committee, the search committee and search consultant to prepare for healthy transition to the next rectorship.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or any member of your Vestry.
Susan Beares & Jeff Spaulding
Co-chairs, Joint Interim Search Committee
A message from The Rev. Dr. Katrina Grusell:
“To the congregations of St. Andrew’s & St. Paul’s, grace and peace to you during this season of transition. I am delighted to be called to serve as your Interim Rector and look forward to discovering the many ways you are sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
During the interim time, we will create opportunities for me to get to know you and for members of the congregation to listen to one another. I look forward to hearing about your experience of St. Andrew’s & St. Paul’s—what drew you to your church and what connects you to others; how your faith is deepened by worship and service to the people of Howard County and beyond; your role as a member of your church and how the congregations develop leaders. We will explore, as well, the relationship between St. Andrew’s & St. Paul’s and how it might deepen to further strengthen both parishes. Together we will reflect on who you are as communities of faith, who God is calling you to be, and who might be the best leader to guide you in the years to come.
My ministry as Interim Rector at Christ Church in Binghamton recently concluded. After seventeen months away, the weeks of March will be spent moving and settling back into our Ellicott City home, where my husband, David, and I have lived since 1993. With joy, I anticipate beginning my interim ministry with you on April 1.”